
Is it possible to publish posts on Lemmy from your WordPress blog?

If this post appears in the @[email protected] community then this hypothesis will be confirmed!

@[email protected]

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7 comments on “Is it possible to publish posts on Lemmy from your WordPress blog?

  1. InformaPirata

    OH YEAH!!!

    PS: From what I see here, the wordpress abstract becomes both the title and the text of the Lemmy post, while the text of the wordpress post is not published.

  2. Obviously we have to thank the intuition and skills of @pfefferle! ❤️
    @[email protected]
    @[email protected] @wordpress

  3. based

  4. That’s rad.

  5. PhillyCodeHound

    Wow that’s wild! Holy crap. How’d that work? You just tag the Lemmy community that you want to post to?

    • informapirata

      Exactly. of course you need to install and activate the Activity pub plugin and then simply mention the chosen community in the text. One community and only one, because crossposting is not possible

  6. The same as mastodon, because they implemented it to post as note instead of topic, which should be done.

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